Support Us

Support Rhode Island Chamber Music Concerts

The continuing success of this remarkable public music series depends on support from grants and the passion and generosity of many individuals. We are grateful for all 

contributions. Here are a few ways you can support the series:

Make a tax-deductible donation by Check

          Make Check Payable to: RI Chamber Music Concerts

          Mail to: PO Box 2631, Providence, RI 02906

Make a tax-deductible donation online using PayPal or your Credit Card

          Just click HERE

Remember Rhode Island Chamber Music Concerts in your estate plans

           There is no cost to making RICMC a beneficiary of your retirement account, investment account, or life insurance. You may also remember us in your will or trust. Our Federal Tax ID# is: 22-3411889.

Be a named sponsor of a concert or guest artist

Your extra support is recognized in our program book and promotional material. Please call us at (401) 863-2416 to start a conversation.

Volunteer for RICMC 

           We welcome volunteers to usher, prepare refreshments for the artists, set up for concerts, distribute postcards and posters, and email your friends. Be part of our exciting season while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow volunteers.

For more information about supporting RICMC, call (401) 863-2416

Our Supporters!

This season is made possible thanks to the passion and generosity of many individuals, the Aaron Roitman Fund for Chamber Music of the Rhode Island Foundation, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Investments in Art and Culture grant given through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, and by the CARES Act, a federal program that supports the non-profit arts community in Rhode Island as it attempts to recover from the financial challenges created by the COVID-19 health crisis.

We extend our gratitude to the following persons and organizations:

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